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The backlog grows by the day.
Sousei no Onmyouji: Eps. 42 – 50 (FINAL)
The Watchening: Sousei no Onmyouji Eps. 32-41
The Watchening: Neo Yokio
Review Central: Dragon Ball Evolution
Adaptation is a tricky business, isn’t it? Different people have different views on what the goal of an adaptation is. In the case of manga to anime, most people lean towards absolute faithfulness to the source material, but a copy and paste can’t be the end goal. In most cases, regardless of intent, the goal of an adaptation is to expose an existing work to a wider audience, and in doing so, some changes are necessary, whether it’s to fit a new medium or to fit a different audience. Seven Samurai was westernized into The Magnificent Seven, and it did pretty damned well for itself. So, why can’t a live-action, westernized Dragon Ball adaptation work? I mean, what’s the worst that can happen? Goku gets turned into a teenager and the prom is tomorrow?
Whatever the case, I’ll be taking a look at Dragon Ball Evolution from a different stance. I’ll try my best to Devil’s Advocate here. At least until my mind shuts down.
The Watchening: Sousei no Onmyouji Ep. 25-31
SacAnime Summer 2017
Another Sac Anime in the books. This time I tried to branch out a bit, but ended up pigeonholing myself in another way. Overall though, I’d say this event was a success.
The Watchening: Sousei no Onmyouji Ep. 21-24
The Watchening: Sousei no Onmyouji 14-20
It’s been a LOOOOOOONG time since I touched Sousei no Onmyouji. I want to get rid of all the anime in my backlog, and the key is to actually start. So, let’s do this!
Hentai Hump-Day! Words Worth
The Elf tribute continues!
Words Worth is a true classic, even if it draws from Elf’s older works and is in turn squeezed dry of ideas for Elf’s later works… There’s just something about the setting and the characters that’s so damned endearing about the entire thing. It helps that the director of the anime KNOWS what makes a good sex scene. It also helps that this is, no joke, one of the greatest adaptations of a video game ever. Sure, it’s compressed, it cuts out about a third of the characters, and it leaves a lot of mysteries open, but on the other hand it hits upon most of the main story points, you don’t have to navigate horribad dungeon mazes, and some of the changes make for some excellent H-scenes that you wouldn’t see in the games. Way better than the Yu-No adaptation.
I DO wish I still had the game on Kiria as a supplement, but alas, it’s not to be. I do hope to reacquire it someday if I could just find a place that has it. The light novels also look rather interesting, and I’d love to give those a look when I have the time.
BTW, before I continue on, I have to mention that I DID play and complete the Yu-No game. It was an interesting experience that I hope to do a full post on someday. But more on that later. Let’s delve into Words Worth.